Ender-3 V3 SE: config settings to roll our own firmware please

Here’s Creality Support’s initial reply:

"### 创想三维(官方客服)

Chuangxiang 3D (official customer service) 17:23 (2 hours ago)

Dear Customer

Thank you for contacting the Creality customer support.

We appreciate your interest in our products and services.

We hereby inform you that your request has been duly forwarded to our development team.

In Creality, we place great importance on the feedback and suggestions we receive from our customers and are committed to providing the best products and services possible.

Please rest assured that we will keep you updated on any developments regarding your request.

While we cannot provide an exact timeline at present, we kindly request your patience in the meantime.


Customer Service Centre Shenzhen

Creality 3D Technology Co.,LTD.

Business Hours: 9:00-18:00 GMT+8

Contact us: TEL: +86 755 3396 5666

Official Website: http://www.creality.com

Official Store: http://store.creality.com

Facebook Services: Redirecting..."


Just an update:

No reply from @Expert or @CREALITYSTORE or any official Creality outlet as yet …


Wouldn’t hold your breathe we are still waiting on pr touch for klipper since the k1 release

Just FYI the forum experts are not Creality Employees. They are users like yourself picked by Creality who volunteer their time to help you guys and share their knowledge.

For Warranty and Creality Service:

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Thanks for the reply - please “help … and share”: let us know how we can get the settings we need!

Thanks in advance.



I’m also trying to to upload custom firmware for my Ender 3 V3 se. I want to enable Merlin Arc command with YZ Axis (G19) (I’m using the 3D printer for a other reason than actually printing in this case, maybe some cheap CNC Machine would be better for my purpose).

There is a embryo of of a configuration in this repo:

However, it currently does not work with the display. Ignoring that, when i try auto home it, via sending G28 serially, it successfully calibrates both X and Y.

However, for Z it fails with Error:!! STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999. I’m not sure why though. From my understanding, this is the last thing to get working before I can actually move the printer with G0 or G1 commands (from my understanding, marlin needs to auto home before you can control the printer). Any clues what it could be? My probe deploys a couple of times at startup but when Z calibration is to be started, it fails before deploying the probe.

What would be best, is of course if we could get the configuration files from Creality.

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FYI: I’ve also posted to https://marlin.crc.id.au/forum/t/ender-3-v3-se-firmware-what-can-i-do-to-help/2069/4

The major feedback:

" from CRCinAU (https://marlin.crc.id.au/forum/u/CRCinAU)
12d (https://marlin.crc.id.au/forum/t/ender-3-v3-se-firmware-what-can-i-do-to-help/2069/5)

To make life fun, there’s zero details on this board within Marlin at the moment.
You can try to make a post here: Issues · MarlinFirmware/Marlin · GitHub 2 (https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/issues)

Include whatever information you can find about the board - but likely, it’ll need the entire pinout figured out to make it possible to bring support for that board into Marlin.

As you’ve bought one, you might be able to ask Creality for the pinout files or the board source code - and attach that as well - it might be able to be imported from that."

@Expert (s): any chance you can help with this info?


I just wrote to the Creality support email. I asked if they could either provide a pull-request for the Marlin repo with working configuration files, or help the community effort by providing pin-out etc. I’ll respond here if i get a answer.

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Ta @ppapineau - I hope you get a response soon.

– Mikey

Try this


It’s the KE but it has the same board. You can also look at klipper configs also for pin outs.

The issue is with the auto leveling there is no information on how to get that to work fully with either marlin or klipper

Slowly collating more info:

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I’ve received the standard response:

来自 cs@creality.com 2022-10-13 11:03:42
Dear Customer

Thanks for contacting us

Based on the problem described in your email,
We need more information about the printer in order to be able to help you better.

1:Your complete purchase link and the order screeshot(it’s a warranty certificate )
2:Your printer product SN(it’s a bar code or QR code sticking on side of the control box )
3:The issue relevant video or picture

Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely
CS/Customer Service
Shenzhen Creality 3D Technology Co., Ltd
Working Times: From Monday to Friday 9:00 to 18:00 GMT+8
Official website:www.creality.com

I’ll reply today …


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You’ll have to film compiling the firmware lol


This is so sad - it’s funny!

Creality closed the service ticket without an answer or solution!

– so I’ve emailed back:

Hi Creality Support,

I would like ticket #70218984 to be reopened.

I have received a reply indicating the “service request has been completed”, yet I have not received an answer to my questions or a solution.

Please advise.

Thanks in advance:

My initial email:

发送时间:2024-02-26 19:15
主题:Ender 3 V3 SE configuration files

Hi Creality, I’ve just bought my second Creality 3D printer - and am extremely happy with it. The Ender V3 SE is a magnificent machine - you and your design & engineering teams should be proud of it.

My first 3D printer was purchased in 2020 - an “OG” Ender 3. I love that machine because I learnt on it, broke it, fixed it, modified it, and - in true Maker ethic - made it my own. I had fun and received a great sense of achievement, compiling the latest Marlin (after adding a Sprite high temp hotend, CR Touch, filament runout sensor - with a custom splash screen) knowing I could make it work. Well hoping, trying, failing, and eventually succeeding.

It is in that spirit that I’m contacting you now hoping I can convince you to release the configuration files for the V3 SE. I want the freedom to do the same with my new machine. To make it better, hotter, faster, unique.


I invite you to let me and an eager community of Makers “have at it” - to imagine, design, tinker, and work on and with the Ender 3 V3 SE. We could take it to places your teams didn’t dare dream of, unlocking it’s and our own potential. You’ve already given us a great 3D printer. Now let us have the tools to make it greater. Thanks for your time and consideration.

Mike "

Your reply:

On Tue, 12 Mar 2024 at 20:52, info info@creality.com wrote:

Dear customer

We would like to inform you that your service request has been completed(Ticket No.70218984). We kindly request you to provide feedback on the service you received (The evaluation link will be valid for 48 hours).

If the problem is not resolved or if you need further assistance, please contact us via our online service or facebook page.

Offical Website: www.creality.com


Rate now

Waddya reckon?


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We can’t let him know our secrets :joy:

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And again:
"---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: 创想三维(官方客服) cs@creality.com
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 at 17:42
Subject: 回复:Ender 3 V3 SE configuration files

Dear Customer

Thank you for contacting the Creality customer support.

We appreciate your interest in our products and services.

We hereby inform you that your request has been duly forwarded to our development team.

In Creality, we place great importance on the feedback and suggestions we receive from our customers and are committed to providing the best products and services possible.

Please rest assured that we will keep you updated on any developments regarding your request.

While we cannot provide an exact timeline at present, we kindly request your patience in the meantime.


Customer Service Centre Shenzhen

Creality 3D Technology Co.,LTD."

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I’ve also been waiting for the firmware to be released, but Creality has failed to do so in a timely manner.
They are in violation of the Marlin GPL3 license and don’t care, and they know they won’t suffer any repercussions.
Because of their attitude I will never buy their printers again, and never recommend from now on.

So sad and frustrating that Creality has this attitude. :frowning_face:

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Same. I’m really disappointed in Creality.


I’m in the same boat as the OP; I want to install a 300 degree hotend and be able to use it.
Since Creality is unresponsive to their customers, has anyone reported the problem to Marlinfw.org? According to the Marlin website, Marlin is licensed under GPL3, which requires everyone using the software to release their versions to anyone who asks.

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Just Tweeted & Tooted:

@marlinfirmware : how does one officially complain about a company not releasing software licensed under GPL3? I’m referring specifically to @Creality3dP Ender-3 V3 SE: config settings to roll our own firmware please

Any other ideas on how to amplify the issue?