Hi, I just received my Ender 3 V3 SE. I put it together and when I went to turn on the display, it jumped to the nozzle offset screen bypassing the main screen. I tried updating the firmware and can’t get the printer to read the SD card. The printer has not been able to read the SD card at all.
Check the cables to the mainboard is my only suggestion otherwise contact support, might be a bad mainboard or input screen.
Thank you, I will check this out.
I’m having the same issue. Were you able to resolve this?
Doesn’t it do this on first start. Can you complete the setup? Sound like it’s not saving the state possibly
I was not able to fix this issue. I could not complete the set up process. I ended up returning the printer.
I am having this exact issue. I was able to update the screen firmware but when I put in the memory card for the main board, the screen goes right to calibration but doesn’t complete calibration. It shuts off then restarts like it’s in a loop. I cannot get to the main menu screen.