I am currently having issues with my Ender-3 V3 SE, it is not reading my memory card correctly. My files are all saved on it as g-code files, yet they do not show up on my printer’s screen when I insert the card. I bought a new SD card when I noticed the one that came with my printer had chipped, but I am having the same issue. I checked the format of this new SD card and it is formatted as exFAT. My current firmware is V1.0.4 and I went to the site and saw the latest version of V1.0.6 and saved it as a .bin file on that same memory card, though when I inserted it, it did not update. There isn’t any visible debris, dust, or anything obstructing the memory card slot. On my motherboard it says CR4NS200320C13. Are there any more troubleshooting techniques to try?
I think it should be formatted FAT32 with 4096 byte allocation and less than 32GB.