Ender 3 v3 SE not reading SD card

How can you update the firmware if the card reader doesn’t work…?

Main thing I have found is the provided card is cheap and nasty. Cards should be 8GB or less with FAT format. File names kept short with no special characters. My original card cannot be read by anything. The Kingston replacement I used still works. MicroSD to flash the screen and the adaptor for flashing the mainboard. Problem with the mainboard card reader is you can put the card in upside down. Insert it the rightway up so that it does that click it works. More likely the card that goes duff than the reader.


exactly if had the same issue … -_- its unimagnable that the problem was i was putting sd card in printer upside down!! WTTT ___ …***

That is really easy to do, have done it myself.


I had the same issue.

Card that came with printer (7 days ago) corrupted

Tried using 512 gig card from video camera. no luck

Read the comment above about only 8g card. Found an old one in my camera case. Reformatted it to 8gb and it worked first time.

I am going to buy a few 8gb cards, just in case.

Hope this helps

I recently bought an Ender V3 SE and I wanted to try using my own MicroSD card. Turns out, I had the same issues as everyone else here. The card I was using was a SanDisk 32GB MicroSD. I tried formatting the card using the normal method in Windows and it wouldn’t read the card. Then I used a SD Card Formatter tool developed by Tuxera/SDA and it worked!!! The printer now reads my MicroSD card.
Hope this works for everyone.

If you “accidently” put your card in face down, you can bend the tiny tabs inside the card reader. Mine needs to be loaded face (or pins) up.

For the life of me, I don’t understand why they would inhibit this in some way.

Hi, I had a similar issue but was able to resolve.
The 8gb card that came with my printer got corrupted and was not readable by my PC or the printer.
I bought a 64gb sd but the printer could not read it. I tried pretty much all the above recommendations, but nothing worked.
I ended up just reformatting the 8gb sd that came with the printer. I lost all that was on there but at least now I’m operational. So, there might be some truth to the 8gb only cards, although I haven’t tried any other 8gb cards.
Also, not sure it would make a difference, but I did use the formatter from sdcard.org
Hope this helps

Yes 8GB cards formatted 4096 FAT