Ender 3 v3 SE not reading SD card

I printed the luckycat without any issues. I took out the SD card, put it into my computer to load a file onto it, put it back in the printer and now the file selection menu is empty, not even showing the lucky cat. I tried a different SD card, same thing. Any ideas?

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Welcome to the Official Creality forum,

What is the name of the file you loadedā€¦? and the extensionā€¦
Just wondering if virus scanner you have cleaned the file or the computer sees a new device and asks to format itā€¦? Hopefully it didnā€™t do thatā€¦

It is called scraper.gcode,

I already formatted the SD Card to FAT32 4096 bytes several times and nothing happens.

I have the same problem as the guy in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVklr_5sOXY

I would recommend checking that your firmware is up to date. If the issue persists please contact support via cs@creality.com as they may need to send you a new motherboard.


Hi! How does one check to see if the firmware is up to date? I am having the same issues that JDJOSC is having and I got my Ender-3 V3 SE printer a few days ago.

You can usually check the version your printer is using by checking the menus on your printer. The latest version for the V3 SE is 1.0.6 as far as I know.

Thank you. It looks like my firmware version is V1.0.4

I think my issue might be the card reader and storage card itself, thoughā€¦ I tried to put the card reader and storage card into my computer (trying to upload a file on the now empty card) but it keeps on giving me the error ā€œD:/ Directory name is invalidā€ and then when I open up it in my File Explorer it says ā€œD:/ is not accessible The file or directory is corrupted and unreadableā€. Any thoughts??

I would recommend formatting the SD card as it sounds like it has corrupted somehow. Usually re-formatting the card will fix that issue.

Hello guys, I have the same issue with a new card I got(the original card works fine).
I tried formatting in the recommended settings fat 32 with 4096 kb and still it is not working. Has anyone else had this problem and fixed it?

The best solution is to put, for example, Octo print on a single board and send files for printing via Wi-Fi

moi la carte fourni avec lā€™imprimante est en piĆØce le plastique du capot coupĆ© en morceau
jā€™ai eu le problĆØme de la carte muette dans lā€™imprimante jā€™ai juste unplug et plug la carte et cā€™est apparue.
la formatage jā€™ai testĆ© en formatage normal Windows Ƨa marche aussi.
pour les carte muette sur le pc en raw dans le gestionnaire de disque il est possible de rƩparer avec (TestDisk)

Hi. Did you solve your problem with the SD card? I have the same problem and canā€™t find a solutionā€¦

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Hi allā€¦I have similar issues with the printer not reading/recognising a new card.

I wanted to use a second card as a backup instead of the factory supplied cardā€¦so i got a new card, formatted to fat32 put a file on it and nothing!

Same file shows without a hitch on the original card.

Ive searched high and low for advice and nothing - everything seems to say it ā€œshouldā€ work with a simple format.

Printer firmware is up to date. Are there specific sd card specs that need to be adhered to? Is there a maximum accepted sdcard size? Are there hidden files that are required?

While i can still use my printer with the original card - i fear that at some stage it will failā€¦and without having a ā€˜compatibleā€™ card on hand i wont be able to printā€¦

Cheers for any advice,

Hi, I have the same issue - today my printer decided not to see any card - I checked out several SD cards, formatted them all to FAT32/4k and printer still does not see them (on PC there is no problems). Before it occurred today, during one of recent prints device suddenly stopped printing without any reason (maybe due to problem with connection with SD card?). I bought my new ender v3 SE from reseller (homlysklep). Is it possible to get the new board directly from Creality?

il mā€™est arriver que le lecteur ne lise pas la carte sd mais une fois dans le menue je retire le carte et la remet cela marche.
il vaudrais regarder si les connecteur sd sur le carte mĆØre nā€™est pas tordu ou plier.
sinon voir si creality prends en charge le changement de carte mĆØre

Yep, same Problem here. All worked fine for a couple of weeks until it didnā€™tā€¦

Same shenanigans with the SD Cards as described by others here.

Original Card reads only on Printer but not on PC anymore. Any other Cards read only on PC but not on Printerā€¦

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Exact same issue here.
The card that came with the printer can only be read by the printer, not the pc. Any other card can be read by the PC, but not the printer.
Any help?

My issue is close to the same however my ender 3 stopped in the middle of the print, corrupted my card and now the printer wont read any cards at all. any fix for this? seems more than a firmware problem.

Having the same problem, Printer suddenly cant read SD card. I have tried three different cards.

Has anyone resolved this yet?

Received my 3D se last month. Added a file to the provided so card and printed 4 times successfully the same item., albeit in between cr touch error appeared which did not reappear the following day.
Yesterday I saved another file and hit print resulting in a cr touch error. Waited till today and lo and behold the card reads nothing while on the pc file shows up on card. I am using the card that came with printer so it points to the reader or card, correct?
Should I return the printer or go through Creality to try and fix the issue? Seems there are quite a bit of messages on this topic here and abroadā€¦

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