Ender 3 V3 SE stops printing mid print


One of my Ender 3 V3 SE started behaving strangely yesterday.
Whenever I start a print, it will do what needs to be done for an hour or more, before suddenly stopping mid movement and ceasing to react to any input. Turning off the power and turning it on again will make the printer print again for a short while, but it will indeed stop again.

As I am printing the same files on two printers that are exactly the same and one does not have these issues, I assume it is not related to the slicer or files, which I copied onto two SD cards of the same size, type and manufacturer.

So… why does the printer stop printing?

I hope you can help me figure this one out.

utterly useless picture of a 3d-Printer that does nothing

Hello IrisRain,

The first thought to me would be to swap the cards over and see if they are really ruled out.


I just started the same file on a different SD-Card. Keeping this one updated.

The 7 hour print has only 10 minutes left and has had no issues other than some minor layer shifts I need to address.

Seems the printers ate another SD card. The eleventh or twelfth in total.

I already have a Raspberry Pi installed. Maybe I should finally use it, though I know nothing about the system.

Aaanyway. Thank you for your suggestion. I already feared it was another Mainboard issue.