This is my 1st 3d printer, and in general I’m very happy with my Ender 3v3 KE.
But from the get-go, the wifi keeps dropping.
After each print done over my network the wifi disconnects. Then when checking the network status on my touch pad it freezes and the only way to get up and running again is to switch it off and on again. This is also very frustrating when trying to set it up over ssh so I can use it with other slicers. If anyone has a fix for this I will really appreciate it.
Which type of network? 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz? Distance to WifI hub? I have mine on a MESH network with a hub within a metre and it is fine. Any special characters in the password? If so could you simplify the password to test?
It’s a 2.4ghz connection, distance is +/- 6m in the same room with no obstruction inbetween.
The password had 1 special character. I simplified the password and tested again. As soon as the print sent over the network finished, the printer shows it is offline in creality print. When checking the homescreen on the touchpad it shows no wifi connection. When going to network settings it loads for a long time, but displays that the wifi is connected. Returning to the homescreen the wifi logo in the top right remains on no connection. The only way to get it online is to switch it off and on again. Really frustrating, as no other device connected to my network has any problem.
Probably not the same thing but once in a great while using Creality Print I notice the printer (K1 Max) showing offline every couple seconds to the PC using a TP-Link mesh.
Like @JPBPrint no other devices are doing that. When I reboot the PC the connection quits acting goofy…
Found a Reddit thread, suggesting that the problem could be a server issue on Creality side. Creality print did not want to pick up my printer without connecting it to creality cloud app first. So i guess I will just have to wait and see if it gets resolved, thread mentioned creality support knows about the issue and are working on it
Having the same issue with my KE. Not much to do than wait to Creality to may fix this problem. Pity that there is no “old fashion” ETHERNET port on the unit. I would rather use that.
I have the same problem. Strong wifi network (Mesh) in my house with one node less than 5 feet from the Ender printer. Loses wifi and wont reconnect. Sometimes if I reenter the wifi password it says incorrect password. Sometime eventually it will reconnect (like after 30 minutes yesterday,) but not today.
The days of devices having wifi problems should be long past. I have had no other problems with my other devices throughout my house,this is absolutely an Creality issue.
Any other workarounds???
My Anycubic wouldn’t connect to my WIFI, it recognised it was there but would not connect. I changed the SSID by adding a number 1 to the end, not so massive a change to affect other devices too much and it connected straight away, hardly scientific but worked for me. I have MESH too but that is also set to 2.4GHz not 5GHz, was told the printer would only connect to 2.4GHz, might be worth a try.
Here to network set to 2.4 ghz but it still drops any one a solution yet ?