Lately, when the table is auto-aligned, the z-axis compensation has been behaving strangely. Initially, the values were -2.00 - -2.05, but now they have changed to -1.67 - -1.72. The nozzle is too high and you need to adjust the z compensation manually because it does not adhere to the table and printing takes place in the air. It all started with changing the heater to a ceramic one from creality, at first the printing was normal. The same situation applies to a standard heater. The table has long been switched to springs, all corners except that with a sensor. It reads the angles fine, but I can’t figure out why it’s pushing the nozzle up so much. I don’t know where to dig anymore. (
You have gone from fixed points to springs? I ditched springs on my Ender 5 plus as they are not reliable I swapped out to silicone spacers.
I also thought about silicone spacers, but there is not enough space for this. Something thin is needed, and these can be either original spacers or springs.
Print new spacers, I would avoid springs.
If possible, I will replace them, but the problem is clearly not in them, as this has never happened before. I’ve been using the springs for a couple of months now.
Could you post your bed mesh please?
Lovely flat bed. I get the odd glitch that screws up a print but mostly it just lays it down. Do you calibrate on each print?
No, after 4-5 models. You can’t imagine the effort it took me to get it back to a more normal state. In addition to the problem with the lost distance, I am now trying to set it up for PETG printing.
Not going to help if I said I have a much less level bed (1.3mm runout) and have been printing PETG all day. I get the odd glitch where it thinks it is 0.2mm lower, I stop the print, clean up, restart the print and all is fine. I get this occasionally on my Qidi printers, perhaps it is a Klipper glitch?
The problem with PETG is that it starts re-extrusion in some places over time. Even though the pullback is 0.4 and the speed is 25 with an overall speed of 60. Maybe I am using the wrong parameters for the Unicorn nozzle.
I use retraction of 0.8
And what is the speed?
default speeds for Orca slicer works for me. But I do like to have a slightly bigger retraction distance but not over a millimetre.
Thanks, I’ll try to play with the settings