Error CA2720 after Update
How can I resolve it ?
+1 mine too
Before update everything was good.
Now error about lefr belt tensioner again and again
Me too after the FW update. My code is actually CA2721 left belt tensioner, I assume the CA2720 is the right. It looks like I can still print though.
I had the same set come up. then printed the calibration tool and followed recalibration with Fluidd and it is all good now
Hey. I just ahd this too ca 2721. Left belt tensioner. Prints fine. I spent 1 hour with suppoort. They ordered me a new strain guage #2 and pcb. But i think it was the update. How donwe revert back to the previous update?
Hi. After the update I have the same problem CA2721 . Some solution to the problem would be quite useful.
According to support, this can be fixed with this.
And if not, replace the rear belt sensor.
i am getting all them errors and more i font think we are alone on this at all but trying to get hold of anyone from creality is a nightmare and does not seem to be much on the internet other than a couple of videos but i have tried all that with no luck.
i have followed creality wiki but still no luck
How I can fix this error ca2721? I just connected the printer for the first time, I upgraded the software and after calibration I got this error
Before the update, everything was working fine. Now, I’m getting a CA2721 error during every belt calibration. Restarts and resetting to default settings don’t help. I need my printer—I need it to bring my projects to life. Creality, please bring back the joy in my life!
Fyi. The printer should print fine although it is showing an error. Mine was running fine after. Just anoying that it showes an error code. Its like having a car with a check engine light.
OK I had the same problem, followed the steps in the wiki and it now successfully calibrates the belt tension. Took about 5 minutes (plus 15 minutes to print the tool). It’s easy to do, don’t need to take the top off the printer or anything.
Hi, same error after performing the firmware.
I followed the steps in the wiki K2 Plus Belt Auto Tensioning Module Calibration Process | Creality Wiki but the command BELT_MDL_INFO MDL_NAME=mdly failed with the following error: {“code”:“key721”, “msg”:“The calibration value of the strain gauge is too small: 'mdly’calibration_num_error”, “values”: []})
Anyone with the same error here ?
Upgraded mine yesterday and I get the CA2720 error message. Printer is working fine so for now I’m just going to ignore it. I was told by Creality support that you can revert back to the old firmware (1,1.0.65), which I think you need to install it via the USB port. Since my printer is still working I’m not going to worry about it.
Same here, may try the manual belt adjust mentioned in the wiki
Also got a eStep error when trying to tun top end of max flow rate test.
Yes, the same - printed the model and followed the instruction but the first command fails as above.
I followed through with the rest of the instructions but the info at the end is incomplete I guess due to the failed calibration.
Just done a factory reset and starting from scratch again.
EDIT: Nope, factory reset followed by belt tensioning calibration gave same error.
Hi all. I got the same error as Alekezu. When using fluidd. Can anyone else can undertand the command line error and shed light on what its requesting. ?
***update. I do not work with code but i think i am starting to understand the poorly written wiki. Once in fluidd. Follow the wiki prompt instruction. Do as it says. You should get an error code similar to what Alekezu posted above. Note! Above that fault message you will see example. = //idl_adc: 4293678680
And the line below something like = //full_adc: 4293666996
The wiki instructs to subtract the numbers. I got 11,684. Way out of calibration. Way too low.
You need to record these numbers or take a picture of them.
Use your printer for a few prints and come back to this exact command. Run the command again and note the values. If they did not change or the mathematics does not change then the strain guage needs to be replaced.
It seems as if the update fried our printer.
I expect this is just the start of a big problem for Creality with this update. Im sure they will make it right
ich hatte den Fehler auch , es hat nichts geholfen ich habe das tool ausgedruckt und die Einstellung gemacht Ergebnis die Differenz lag bei 30.000 und die schreiben es müsse über 100.000 sein also habe ich dann mit meinem Drehmoment Schlüssel die Riemen Spannung auf 6n eingestellt (schrauben hinten links und rechts ) nun waren die daten beim kalibrieren zu hoch, (der anschließende Selbsttest sagt Zeit Überschreitung ) über 300k also 1/4 Umdrehung zurück und nochmal getestet nun waren die daten 130k und der Selbsttest lief ohne Fehler durch –
nach 5 stunden Fehlersuche den Fehler beseitigt und das nur wegen einen update das dann genauer misst
Hallo DL3CR,
Ich habe mich gefragt, ob es so etwas sein könnte.
Gut gefunden
Ich hoffe, andere probieren Ihre Methode aus und haben ebenfalls Erfolg.
Your printer works fine, the error does not affect anything just annoying message