Falcon2 22W lost more than half of its power


I have a Creality Falcon 2 with 22W. I bought it in April, and I am using it quite regularly, almost exclusively cutting and sometimes engraving MDF and plywood.

Since July or even earlier I am experiencing a great loss of power. Cuts that worked with 400mm/m and 100%, now require 100-200-mm/m and 100%. Please see the picture attached to understand what I mean.

  • I have cleaned the lens.
  • I have changed the lens. The gummi sealing ring was sticking to the old lens like it had become very hot at one point.
  • height was set correctly
  • Airflow is working very well when compressor is on. I have unplugged and repluged the airtube and cleaned the filter.
  • I have made sure I am using the latest updates.
  • I checked Lightburn settings, but everything seems fine on first glance.
  • I opened the control unit to see if it’s dirty, but I there does not seem to be a problem. However the little orange window was quite greasy.
  • I find no problem with the wiring (as far as I can judge)
  • I have written a mail to the support, but no answer yet. I should have warranty left, ordered directly at Creality…

Some thoughts:
I noticed a while ago, that the air light on the laser unit shows red when it’s idle, but as soon as it gets cutting, the air light will be green.
My problem looks a bit like in this thread https://forum.creality.com/t/my-falcon-2-pro-burner-has-no-more-power/12429.
Is it possible that there is a problem with one or more of the diodes? Is there some kind of test find out? But I should say: I have the feeling that this did not happen all at once, but power declined bit by bit and getting less. I have to do some more testing if that is true. Also, can the sticky gummi sealing on the old lens give away some secret of what may have happened?

Any help is very appreciated, I really need to get some work done!

Hi there.

You’ve done quite a lot trying to figure your issue - kudos for that!

About the red light for the air, it’s normal. You should hear the pump going “off” after a short period of the whole unit being turned off. Once you start engraving/cutting, the pump goes back on, and the light will turn orante/green, depending on the air flow. Totally normal.

Have you tried to run just from the SD card? I honestly doupt that it will change anything, but it removes all the “external” causes to focus only on the unit.

From your description, specially that you say it might have slowly builtup (or down in your case), you might be on the spot - defective diodes.

Unfortunatly, at that point, you’ll need to get in touch with Creality…

Good luck!

What is the $30 value when reading the config with $$ in the console?
What is the highest S value in the GCODE? Just to make sure it’s actually running at full power.

You can also do the wall test: Set the output power to 1%, remove the module from the gantry and (with no one else nearby and while wearing safety glasses and just activate it even at 1% when it’s shining away from you) let it shine on a white wall or piece of paper >1m away. Do you see 4 individual lines? The 22W has 4 diodes that are combined.

If the problem stay unsolved, please contact support@crealityfalcon.com for help.

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Hi, thank you four your ideas.

I have tested running it on SD card. It makes no difference.

(edit: added the quote for reference.)

Hi, thank you for your ideas too.

$30 value is 1000, and the max S value in the GCODE is also 1000. So I presume this means 1000 is defined as the maximum, and 1000 is also what is being delivered to the head, right?

Yes, I was hoping for some clever way to see if all the diodes are working.
Unfortunately I was not able to do this test. I tried, somewhat hesitantly, aiming it on a white sheet of paper on the wall. The only way I could figure to activate it at 1% was just letting it to a line with 1% output, but as the module was not in the gantry it should have just lied there and laser the wall. However I did not see anything. Probably the wrong test setup. So any further help would be appreciated.

Ok thank you for this contact address.

Sadly, I got no response from the support at support@crealityfalcon.com.
I did get an answer from cs@creality.com, but they just wrote that they had answered me three days ago and if it had solved the problem. I did not get any other mail, and replied back if they could send me their message again, but, no surprise - no reply. So, useless, too.
My customer service experience so far is very very bad. Am I so spoiled? :no_mouth:

I start coming to terms with the fact that now I own a Falcon2 with 10W.

…stupid question probably, but did you check your SPAM folder?

Yes I did, nothing there.
(I had a simliar issue with receiving no invoice, and when they said they sent it out again, nothing arrived. But that’s not the topic of this discussion.)

That said, nothing new with my Falcon problem.
I might try and find another way to check if the issue is really broken diodes. But from the effect, I am quite sure it is… :unamused: