Help needed

Hey guys. I have most recently changed some parts on my ender3 v3 se and i seemee like i had a clog. I took off the extruder, nozel and the ptfe tube and pushed through a small peice of ptfe tube filled with clogged filament. After all this, my prints last about 30 minutes before it seems to be clogged again. Is there a tube that is meant to be in the hotend? That i have accidentally pushed through and need it ? Or is there another issue. Any help would be appreciated.

There is a short length, about 10mm, that has a metal tube cap that pushes into the heater block, no sure if it is long enough to touch the nozzle, I presume so. Is that the one that you mean? Could you replace that PTFE tube with Capricorn tube, slightly better performance at temperature.