Hot end Cooling Fan issues

I have an issue with my KE the Cooling Fans. Fan 1 came out of the Bracket and the piece is nowhere to be found! What are the replacements for the fan and where can I find those. I look forward to hearing from everyone. I was thinking about soldering it to the board itself? Or would it be just easier to get new fans. I look forward to hearing from everyone and if you could provide links that would be greatly appreciative. Thank you very much for your help and guidance.

I have a KE. Which fan is fan 1? Show me a picture and I should be able to guide you. There are 2x 4010 fans available from here and there is the hotend fan, I have yet to find a decent alternative. Are you talking about the JST 2.4 connectors?

Than you for responding so quickly. Sorry it is fan 2.

I thought Ali-express would be the best one but I was not fully sure it would be here in time. Also, the fans are hard to find the correct fan size and voltage.

Thank you for the link as well.