Hi there, I want to replace the stock filament runout sensor on my K1 Max with a BigTreeTech SFS v2.0 sensor. I read a lot of articles and watched a lot of youtube videos on the subject but not everything is clear yet. Okay, so it seems that just using one of the two sensors of the SFS is relatively easy; just use the leads from the original sensor so the connection is made to pin PA15 on the motherboard. But I would like to use both sensors (movement and runout) which means I would have to make another connection to pin PA10 on the printhead board (which means attaching a new wire and leading it through the chain). Is that correct so far ?
K1 MAX_电气接线图_V1.4_1723512344274_z4yzh.pdf (343.5 KB)
Wrote to Creality support and they sent me the above pdf