2 crashes today
on the second print got the key error… put 2 Dimple holes in my Bed releveling the bed
Is my Printer fubar ?
2 crashes today
on the second print got the key error… put 2 Dimple holes in my Bed releveling the bed
Is my Printer fubar ?
This same thing just happened to me on my K1C. Prior to the bed crashing into the nozzle the bed went all the way down to the bottom of the chamber and then all the way back up which it never does that full movement before printing. The only thing I did differently when the problem occurred was I unchecked the calibration option before sending the print job over LAN. I figured it was safe to do that because I had just printed something successfully minutes before.
I tried after that and it crashed again into the nozzle making a second indent just like you showed. I turned the machine off at the switch and then back on and ran a self-leveling check. After the self-leveling check completed I sent the print job again but I checked the calibration check box, and it seems to have worked fine this time.
So I’m not sure what happened but it seems to be working now. One thing is for sure, if I ever see the bed going all the way down to the bottom of the chamber again I’m going to immediately turn the machine off and run a self-check again. I’m hoping this is just something simple as part of a recent update and hopefully Creality can fix it.
I sent info to Creality and they said if it happens again they will send a me a replacement board … the bed went so hard the belt was skipping hope the rail didn’t get bent … time will tell … if I get bad print …
Interesting. I guess it’s good to hear they are responsive and willing to help out. I may message them as well just to get that conversation started. Since I had the problem at first, it has happened again. When it happened the second time I decided to unscrew the heated bed surface and I disconnected all five cables (for the levelling sensors and the main cable going out) from the PCB and reconnected them. Ever since I disconnected and reconnected the cables the 2529 error has not yet come back. I have done several prints including a few in a row without restarting the machine. So we will see how it goes over time, but I’m wondering if it was simply a loose connection.
I noticed there was some yellow colored adhesive on each of the white plastic cable connectors. It was a little bit sticky but wiggling and pulling on the connectors was enough to break them free and disconnect them. So I wonder if the glue was holding them in place but not in a good way.
I’ve just bought ender 3v3 and having same error code not even 1 print
I just wanted to post an update on my situation since it has been a little over a week. I have printed several things on the K1C without an issue and I have not seen the error message 2529 return since after unscrewing and lifting the bed, and disconnecting and reconnecting all five of the white connectors underneath on the PCB for the sensor cables and the main cable.
I suppose it’s hard to say what exactly happened to cause the error initially, but I’m starting to believe that one of the connections was just loose. I noticed the error occurred after returning from vacation. So I’m wondering if maybe just a little bit of corrosion happened during that down time? The room where the printer is located is a bit warm but it is a dry climate here. Who knows? But, if anyone else is having this issue it is easy enough to disconnect and reconnect those wires under there, it doesn’t cost any money to do, and it might just fix your printer, too!
I haven’t got a bad print since… I got another Email from Creality assuring me that I am still covered and the case is closed and if I have any problems is to file a report …
1.Regarding the key 2529 issue,
Please move the machine to a non-vibrating environment and make sure your hands do not touch the hot bed when resetting to zero to check if this error code still appears
I built a Solid table from a old Office Desk … even braced it to the wall no movement at all … lol
Update Got the the ERROR Key:2529 Again
Made another hole … lol
Oh man, that’s frustrating! Hope you figure it out! Maybe it’d be worth unplugging and plugging back in those cables under the bed surface. That seemed to work for me.
not sure if this is related …
after a successful print … next day I turn on Printer open Creality Slicer 5.1
I see this
I used Google lens to translate the Chinese. Sounds like the printer is asking you to replace the filament because it ran out. Maybe check to see if there is some loaded?
No Filament … lol Defective Sensor ?
Runout sensor is just a trip switch, easy to replace. Quicker to get one on Amazon.
Would you be so kind as to photos of the EXACT (5) cables you disconnected then reconnected.
New to this, use to having a support section when dealing with electronics.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Jeffrey,
Here are some photos to help you understand the process for finding the connectors that I am referring to. First you need to remove the build plate, which I’m sure you’re already used to doing regularly. Next, locate the 2.5mm hex wrench that was included with the printer. If you measure with an inch caliper it should be around 0.098" across the flats (~2.5mm), and I believe it’s the second largest that was supplied. Use this hex wrench to loosen the four screws on the heated bed. After removing the screws, CAREFULLY lift the bed starting from the left side. There are cables running under it at the right rear corner, and there is not a lot of slack. Under the heated bed you will find the circuit board with the five white cable connectors sticking up. These are the five connectors you need to loosen and reconnect. I would recommend you do them one by one, so unplug one by slowly wiggling it free, then plug it back in, then move to the second one, and so on. You will probably need to use one hand to hold the heated bed plate up slightly while you wiggle the connectors free. It would be good to have a bright flashlight pointing at it or some other work light so you can see well. Or if you have somebody else that can help hold the bed up, that might also be better. You might find some sticky adhesive on the sides of the connectors, but in my case wiggling the connector loose with my fingers was enough to break the adhesive free. I would avoid pulling on the wires if possible and try to grab by the connector.
After reconnecting each connector securely, place the bed back, reinstall the screws and gently snug with the hex wrench. My heated bed screws were not super tight so I assume they don’t need to be. I just tightened with my fingers using the short side of the hex wrench until just beyond snug. Put the build plate back as normal, turn on the machine and run a self check from the settings menu to make sure all is well.
Different strain gauges than the ones used on the V3SE/KE, of course they are, took me ages to locate replacements, I shall see if I can hunt down these ones too.
Got the parts… says it’s for K1 Max
was going to install it last night but the bed/heat plate screws (4)
were loose … half a turn when it was tight … now I’m thinking that may be the cause of the leveling problem… going to leave it and see if that will stop the error …
They were like that when my V3KE was delivered. I check them regularly. I ought to put some threadlock on them.
Any special characters in the filename? It doesn’t like apostrophes and things like that.
The same error appeared
after following the instructions, I disconnected and connected all the connectors, the error went away, the printer is calibrated normally, I hope it will also print, Thanks for the idea