Dear all, I got a new filament to configure for the K2, Elegoo Rapid PLA+ (I paid 29.9€ incl 20% tax and free shipping here in Europe for 2x1Kg rolls - black and white - which is the same price for ONE roll of Creality Hyper PLA (where I need to buy 3 rolls to get free shipping)!
For faster PLA I run the max Flowrate Test (of CP6 or Orca):
To see what the best max flowrate is for this filament.
On the first run I got @~28mm³/s the CM2784 error that says that extruder cannot push enough filament…
I increased temperature (from 2. layer onward) from 220° to 230° because I read that above 300mm/s speed (which is an equivalent of 24-25 mm3/s) you should increase temp to 230!
Now the error came @~33mm³/s (= ~ 400mm/s speed), you can see the different prints below:
Looking @ the quality of the prints I decided to enter 225° for layer 2 onward and a max flowrate of 25mm³/s info the filament profile to be on safe side not to get any errors and also have great strength and finish of the print.
As a comparison, the Hyper-PLA from Creality has a max flowrate of 23 in the config. This means in standard 0.2mm profile which sets speed of 300mm/s will not reach 300mm/s, it will reach this speed only on 0.16mm layer height!
So if you use any filament @ higher speeds run the Max Flowrate Test to see what you can put as max flowrate into the filament profile. And be aware that you may use higher print temps to reach that!
As I use fast PLA only for fast prototyping - and here mainly in black, white or grey - this was first time for me as well. I will check now my highspeed PETG from eSun which I use as well for functional parts, I put in 16 mm³/s at the moments calculated for the 200mm/s in the spec sheet. The Creality hyper-PETG has also 23 in there which I doubt would bring good results for PETG.
since i spent the last 2 days solving the extruder issue and some of you reported the same, i would like to tell you how i fixed it.
My problem was, that the extruder doesn’t extrude while printing. The whole extruder moved like its printing, but no fillament was extruded on the bed.
I solved it that way:
remove the fillament tube
turn of the printer
take off the extruder motor. only unplug the first cable shown in this video:
dont unplug any other cables. Carefully pull out the motor with the gear box attrached (the box you take apart when you unclogg filament). Then turn the motor carefully to the left and right until its moving freely.
i guess after i unclogged filament and put the gear box back in, the gears doesnt aligned well. after moving the motor to the left and right i heard a “click”. Thats why i think the extruder was blocked due to unalignment of the gears.
Unfortunately, I encounter the same problems with the extruder when printing PETG. This really frustrates me. Printing is fine and without problems if I set the temperature to 260-270, but this is too much for PETG! It should not be like this. I have already checked the correctness of heating with a pyrometer and a thermocouple, the heater works correctly. I am sure that the problem is in the motor, which cannot cope with the viscosity of the material. The support service does not help in any way, only asking “Have you already read our WIKI?”. I read and watched everything I could, but I did not buy a printer for $ 1,500 for this. I am very disappointed and do not know what to do. And this is ordinary PETG - this is an ordinary, SIMPLE material that I printed tens of kilograms on my Ender.
Does anyone know what Creality is doing about these issues? I’ve tried all kinds of corrections people have posted including Creality print 5 or 6, new or old firmware with hyper PLA and still consistently getting 2788 errors. Had no issues for weeks right out of the box, didn’t start having issues until firmware and software upgrades.
Today I have installed software update
After that I have successfully print PETG on 240°. No “clogging” or errors. As I thought, problem was in extruder motor sensitivity and this update fix it
You should state that it’s firmware version Beta as it won’t be available on Creality’s K2 Plus Firmware page. There were also a lot of material setting changes between and Beta.
I was finally able to print with PETG using these settings from a Bambo Labs forum. I haven’t yet tried to print after installing the latest firmware but it sounds like some are able. Just in case it doesn’t work for you try these settings:
With petg i need a z-offset+0,035 other wise the nozzle go in the first layer. The extruder got a sensor, i think that when you dont got the offset the extruder cant extrude properly and the heat can creap up then it can clog. The sensor in the extruder wil shut down the motor to protect itself. It was the same with my old ender s1 pro when the nozzle is to close to the bed it wil clog and the print fails. I am not sure, but most people are complaining that with things beside pla the nozzle getting dirty (z-offset) bad first layer (Z-offset). I think because the bedmesh the nozzle is 140c and when you print petg its 250c the nozzle expands and that is why you need the offset for things that print with higher temps
I’m using a Z Offset of +0.065 on CR Hyper PETG and have seen several users that are at +0.1. First time that I’ve seen a Z Offset that large (+0.35) mentioned.
Sorry that was wrong typed +0.035. have to do really my best typing in other language. I only wanted to share my experience. At least it helped me with some problems only need a new extruder fan then i hope everything keeps working like it is now. sometimes stupid people help smart people thinking on things the never would thought on.
I’ve tried many of the suggestions to fix the extruder CM27xx errors. Here is what finally worked for me. I updated to the new firmware I also had to tune my filament profile (using CR Black Hyper PETG) using @frankjoke 's instructions at Calibration of new (non CR preconfigured) filament - how to for K2. I also had to adjust my z-offset to +.1. After these 3 changes, I’ve successfully printed 3 full bed sized prints each taking over 14 hours. BTW, I’m using CR Print 5.x for Mac ARM. I would to thank everyone for all their input and suggestions for this issue,