Hello, due to carelessness I scratched the build plate of my Ender 3 KE (it is the one that came with the machine, PEI build plate, sandy on one side and black on the other)
Anyway, I want to buy another one and I found that they sell one made of expoxy resin.
Has anyone already experienced the change from the PEI tray to the resin tray?
Will it be an improvement or a downgrade?
Opinions? thank you!
Well, Creality wanted to sell me the original tray that came with the printer for 15 USD plus shipping, 30 USD to Chile!!!..
In case anyone wants to buy them, this is the official Creality link: vip-mall
Anyway, taking advantage of AliExpress 11.11, I ended up buying the Epoxy Resin Build Plate for only 8.5 USD with shipping and everything.
I’ve tried the epoxy resin as I received it from a sharefest event they had in Chicago. And honestly it’s a great build plate and EVERYTHING sticks to it almost a little too good. Its worth the price to try it but beware of prints sticking and try not to use a metal scraper
Can you tell me if the epoxy resin plate has any advantages over the PEI plate that comes with the Ender 3 KE? (Not the PC build, that one comes with the SE). Thanks
Epoxy plate I guess isn’t flexible like a PEI plate so removing parts will only be by scraping, if it sticks as well as glass that can be an issue. Damaged prints, damaged bed, I shall be sticking with flexible plates. I take it will need clips to hold it down.
Epoxy resin will be rigid like PCB material so no not a flexi plate like PEI and if it doesn’t have a steel backing it won’t be magnetic. I think another name for it is Tufnol.
the ender 3 KE come with a magnet sheet on bed, the epoxy plate is like the original plate that come with the machine, is a metal plate coated with epoxy or sometthing like that and stick pretty firm to the machine bed.