
I’ve modded my V3SE, linear rails, microswiss hotend, gantry bracing amongst others. What about fitting the V3KE mainboard in place of the V3SE mainboard? Its going back on the Sonic Pad next week, might be able to get it up to my V3KE speeds.

Just from my limited time here there are distinct differences between the boards.
I am not sure if the SE has a SD card slot on the main board, but the board for the KE is not populated with the SD card slot since it uses both USB and Wifi via the Nebula Pad.

If all your looking to do is increase speeds I beleive you can modify your firmware to change the speed settings, there has been a long running post on the SE firmware settings.

Also the SE I believe works on a AVR based chipset since I recall the firmware file ending in .ino which is what the Arduino uses. The KE is running Busy Box Linux since it has a full network stack and web server built in. I have a running post on that although I have taken a break from my 3d printer as it was consuming far too much of my time.

Honestly I might look into a 3rd party open source board, or use a Raspberry Pi and run something like Mainsail so the factory board in essence becomes a zombie board and simply passes along commands from the Raspberry Pi unit.

Since the KE main board runs Linux and Klipper there really isn’t much need to go with such a solution as you can modify all your settings from within the main board itself. As a note I am not sure the Sonic pad would be compatible with the KE main board?

Hopefully I haven’t completely misunderstood your question and have provided at least some helpful information.

Was just thinking out loud really. Anyway the SE is back on the SonicPad and running perfectly…Karma says that I can’t have all my printers working at the same time so my Ender 5 Plus has decided to be a bit of a pain with clogs, think its a filament issue, I shall deal with it later. My fault for fitting the SE hotend onto it, need to drop my BLtouch down a few millimetres, should be an easy fix.