My Ender-3 V3 SE has a problem where after I switch it on its immediately shows the language select screen followed by
“Auto Offset Z”
then the printer moves for a minute up and down and the table moves, and then the screen switches off and on and back to the Language select. I checked all the cables, all motors seem to be functioning, I updated the firmware.
Is this fixable or is my printer a dud and I should just talk to support and get a replacement?
Hello @MonkeyButtonEY …!
Welcome to the Creality Forum…!
You’ve probably already checked but make sure the voltage selector switch is in the correct position for your country…
Yeah, that was the first thing that came up in the other threads but the printer came set at 230v which is the voltage in my country.
I’m having the same problem. set up the printer for my son today, selected the language and just can’t get past the Auto Z offset in progress screen (voltage selected is also correct) going to attempt changing the nozzle (but it is has come screwed in so tight we are struggling to remove and don’t want to cause damage by forcing it) if you manage to resolve the issue, i would be most grateful if you can share!