New Ender V3 KE crashes when performing selftest


I just purchased a Ender V3 KE (refurbished through the Creality ebay store) and I assembled it according to the manual, I set everything up and printed the boat that was included in the USB drive and it printed it out perfectly.

I then did a firmware update through my phone to the latest version (.15) and started to print a new model, after a few layers the printer head stopped in the middle and I heard that the fans was still spinning but the screen was black and unresponsive so I turned it off and back on and everything came back to life.

I tried printing again but that did not help either, so I did a factory reset and when I got to the self testing part it did the same thing (I think it crashed when either trying to heat the bed or the nozzle).

So I tried downgrading the firmware to .14 and tried the selftest again but the same thing happened, I also tried another model but that did not help either.

I have also checked the voltage input on the back and its set to the correct input.

Any suggestions on what might be wrong?

Hello @TheGreyRaven …! :wave:

Welcome to the Creality Forum…! Creality

I would check the mainboard version if it matches to the creality site as there is no telling what was really done to “refurbish” that machine.

Maybe go back to another earlier version. “.13 or .12”

Lastly try a return process…

By mainboard version do you mean the version in settings on the printer itself?
I’ll try even older versions of the firmware once I have finished work, are there any logs or something similar stored on the printer that I can read and perhaps figure out what is wrong?

I would consider returning or exchanging it as you shouldn’t have to jump through hoops just to get it working.

The mainboard ID# :arrow_heading_down: