Hi there everyone I see a few people are having issues with the Ender V3 and the Nebula pad. I use Cura and after a week of perfect prints with the stock pad I upgraded to the Nebula. Right away the flow was a little light so I increased it and I thought great it works. After a few mm I came back to a layer shift. I left it for a while thinking it was part of the print and again after a few mm another layer shift.
I put the latest firmware on the SD plugged in the screen and went back to marlin. Prints perfect. I think I can dial in the Nebula settings pretty easy but I have no idea of what setting is causing the layer shift? Driver voltage? what is different about the settings for the Nebula that is causing the layer shift? The print otherwise looks ok. Maybe Cura? Same Gcode runs fine on the original screen from Cura. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks