Hi. I’ve been using the v3 KE for about 1 month. Got a massive clogs and when I tried to remove all PLA, i broke the temp sensor. I decided to buy a replacement kit. I bought that “quick swap” heating block. Supposed to be compatible with SE and KE. My issue here is the teflon tube they give with it won’t fit. Hard to explain (look at images…) Not sure how it is supposed to be installed. The inner diameter seems to be smaller than the “pipe” it should sit.
Anyone tried it or knows something about this part and how to fit the tube someway somewhere?
Just done this on my SE.
The PTFE tube fits OVER the silver tube on the printhead.
It then fits IN the hole on the extruder.
Believe me it’s not that easy, move the gantry up so you can actually see what you are doing
Hi @Kevin_Eames Thanks for the answer, IN the extruder is not a problem as I disassembled it all. But OVER the silver tube is where I was not sure. Seems way too tight to fit. Even if I manage to push it down on the print head, looks like the whole extruder/printhead assembly will be longer. Using a little force and no luck. I’ll try harder hehe. Hope it all works.
I assume you are using the PTFE tube that came in the kit.
There were 2 in the box with mine 28mm for the KE and 22mm for the SE.
The supplied tube has an internal diameter of 3mm
The old tube (from the original head) is 2mm internal diameter.
Both old and new tubes are 4mm outside diameter. (all measurements are approx)
I think you are trying to fit the original tube which will not fit over the new head, and will be way too long.
Ok. I think i’m not going to be ok with it. Tubes provided with the head are 22 and 28mm long yeah but they are 2mm inner wide… It just dont fit. I,m about tonreturn this $hit and order original head. Youbsay ypu got a 3mm inner wide? So i got wrong ones…
Thanks anyways. I was doing the right thing but PTFE tubes are wrong. I knew I wasnt crazy hehehe. Thanks to you for confirmation about it. So I look for tube to fit or just replace all the kit. Just wish I can print. It’s been a week now. Cheers