PETG raft issues

As I usually do not have such (big) problems I can only make recommendations based on my workflow.

  1. Your print plate is far too dirty! I have the printer since ~ 12 weeks and the print plate is like new, I clean it EVERY day (with 80% IPA but you can do it also with window/glass cleaner). By the way, I never had to use glue stick or the spray so far with any PLA, PETG, ABS or ASA filament I printed so far.
  2. Did you look through the post First Layer Issues with textured PEI plate ? I posted there also several pictures, one where you see that I have one spot on the build plate which came just from removing previous print from build plate by hand. If I would have seen that before I would have cleaned build plate in between but luckily part was not touching this area.
  3. Didi you also read through Is Bed Leveling Actually Working on the Creality K2
  4. On your print you don’t need Raft or Brim at all! The only things what I would set is Concentric Top and Bottom surface in the process settings because this may print better for all these small squares. I printed once a basket with similar patter in PETG as well and did not need anything more!
  5. Did you check your board leveling with such a print TestPlateDisc.3mf (72,5 KB)?
  6. I just switched on my printer and took a photo of the print bed:

    Because I will have to print now a big part I deceided to print this test print before to see if everything is OK. I had only PLA in CFS but started above test print (is only 10 min) just to show you how it looks for me. For some PETG I had to adjust my Z-Offset by 0.015mm or so but if you need 0.3 then bed level or bed level sensor is not right!
    The result of the print: The result was not so good for PLA:

    You see on middle left and back sides the ripples which mean that the nozzle need to get maybe 0.03 - 0.08 mm higher there. Overall on a real part it might not be so problematic because on bottom side of print you cannot see these problem at all:

That’s why I checked in fluidd the bed mesh:

Here I saw that i was close to the maximum 1 mm range which is twice the factor I normally have.
The back left corner is too high, it means that I could have put the print plate onto the guide corner instead of the magnetic bed?

If I re-insert build plate again, did a manual bed adjustment according to what I referred to earlier, and printed again:

Now it’s acceptable again, on both sides of this only 0.2mm high print!
Hope this example helps you to correct your problem as well!