Possible to upgrade KE to Sprite Extruder Pro?

I am not sure this is a possibility but it looks to be a significant upgrade over the stock KE unit. I like the overall setup, the extruder looks beefy and I like the all metal design. I also like that it is sleeker and less ‘bulky’ than the KE design.

The hot end and nozzles look to be a better design as well. Although it only has one fan for model cooling I am not sure how much positive effect this has. I am new to 3d printing but am skilled in mechanical and electrical/electronics, so I most likely could just buy it and make it work. Sometimes though the upgrade path is more sane if its something that has precedent knowledge to pull from.

The price is a little steep at about $65 but I am a believer in you get what you pay for. Could this unit be retrofitted or would it turn into a firmware nightmare, thus forcing me to go with an after market open source mainboard. Down the rabbit hole we go.

Creality Sprite Pro Extruder for Ender 3

Only issue is you can’t change any rotation distance on the KE at present so if that doesn’t match the existing Sprite the it will extrude differently so could be more trouble than it is worth. My V3SE on a Sonic Pad reports a rotation distance of 7.53 FWIW (same extruder as a KE)

Wouldn’t the extrude distance be something that could be modified in firmware (Klipper)?

I am not afraid to modify config files, as a Linux user its common practice. Although I have not rooted this machine, that is a subject that is on my list of things to get into. If you had a good article on that you could point me to that would be appreciated :+1:

I am actually glad you responded as I wanted to say thanks for your posts regarding micro-swiss products. I had been asking myself “I wonder If there are US made parts for these 3d printers?” :slight_smile: So just today I made my first purchase from them, I got the machined heatsink for my KE.

I will have to wait for the upgraded hot end until I determine if I want to go with this Sprite Extruder Pro setup.


Do we know the extrusion distance on the Sprite Pro? I guess I would have to find the firmware for the model it fits and get the settings to confirm?

I just found this information that the KE firmware was released. I don’t know how yet to modify it, upload it, etc without bricking the printer but what I did find was the following;

pressure_advance = 0.036
step_pin: PB4
dir_pin: PB3
enable_pin: !PC3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 7.53
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: PA1
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PC5
control = pid
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 320 # Set to 300 for S1 Pro

Yes it would except the KE version of Klipper you can’t until it is rooted and the full Klipper etc is installed. I’ve not been tempted to go that far yet. but you should be able to modify rotation distance setting (equivalent of esteps but different because its Klipper not Marlin)

As for Micro Swiss I have the extruder on my V3SE and my Ender 5 plus, the KE can wait until I have the QiDi Xplus3 setup properly.

Which is the same rotation distance for the V3SE (same extruder) as reported by Sonic Pad. I have set my Ender 5 plus to this too as it was vastly underextruding due to direct drive extruder of the Microswiss.

Just been having a read and another look, it looks like the extruder and stepper are the same as the Sprite fitted to the KE so the rotation distance should be the same.

Great, now I have to look up and most likely obsess over “rotation distance”. :thinking: :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :astonished: :smiley:

Its similar to Esteps in Marlin but it is rotation distance in Klipper, does the same thing but with a different bit of maths.

Thanks, no obsession on my part necessary now :wink:.

Which extruder from microswiss? Is it plug and play for the SE/KE? If not how difficult is it to install?

I think there has been a mix up, the Microswiss extruder I mentioned was for my ender 5 plus. The Microswiss Flowtech hotend for the SE/KE is pretty much plug and play.

Ah my bad. I thought i might have hit pay dirt lol. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us! So far I have only seen the extruder from the K1C used for the KE. The only problem is you have to have your KE/SE rooted and the full Klipper installed so you can change rotation and speed. Not sure if it is really worth it tho.