Printhead slammed into printbed?

I have been 3D printing for a while now, with the Ender 3 V3 SE, and recently when going through the auto bed leveling, the printhead randomly drove down into the print bed, and the motor kept pushing. I had to switch it off asap, when I heard the motor screaming. Now the X-Axis gantry is twisted, and somehow the cooling fan in the print head in damaged. Any ideas why this may have happened? Hopefully Creality sees this and fixes it in future.

Was it trying to level on the strain gauge sensor? These can fail occasionally.

Yeah maybe the sensor didn’t extend, thanks for the tip, I’ll keep an eye out for it again

this sounds like a similar issue our printer had that let to it getting damaged very badly. when it happened to you, how much damage was caused?

Yeah that looks very bad, my print head is angle up slightly now, prints the same but prints now have a slight bow in them, and the nozzle cracked.