Printing Issues

I recently purchased ender 5 plus. There are issues with printing quality even when choosing super quality in slicer.
Recently, in the middle of printing, the motors above the filament feeder start ticking. Then sounds like a blockage happens and it prints dots. I had to remove the filament and feed it again and it will print fine for a couple of hours. Then it happens again.
The ticking (clicking sound) tells me that I need to stop the print.
I used different brand filaments, changed temperature range, changed the speed but no help.
Can someone please see if there is any solution?
The video shows the filamnt on the hot end after I pulled it out.


Hello @Amir …! :wave:

Welcome to the Creality Forum…! Creality

I don’t have the answer to your problem but it would help others who might know if you tell us what temps you are using, filament type, slicer and any mods you made… :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, Jim.
The filament is PLA. I used different brands, but it didn’t help.
I tried various temperatures, 200, 205, 210, but no change.
I use Cura, ironing is on (also tried off), quality set for Dynamic and super quality, and the nozzle ranges from 0.3mm to 0.4mm (default was installed by reality), and the recent was 0.5mm.


I don’t know how accurate the sensor is regulating your temps but I use 225-230° C for all my PLA prints. Maybe try that to start. It could be it’s not melting fast enough to be able to push through…

Just a thought. Something to try…

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Which extruder you using? I converted mine to a Microswiss Direct Drive so I could reliably print TPU. If you have changed the extruder are your esteps correct? I had to change mine a massive amount to stop it under extruding. Love my 5 plus but it has had so many upgrades, it’s Triggers broom (english veiwers might get it)

I use the original extruder that comes with the machine. I haven’t upgraded anything yet.

Slacken the tensioner on the extruder, it is biting too hard on the filament and crushing it, which will give the ticking noise. Consider getting an extruder at the hotend so you are pulling the filament rather than pushing it. Did someone say Microswiss NG or Microswiss NG Revo? Best upgrade but not cheap. Add a sonic pad and a silent motherboard and you can print at 5 times the speed.

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Thanks. I was going to purchase Revo.
Could you please provide me with the brand/model details of the upgrades you suggested?

Hotend I replaced with the Microswiss NG, it uses most of the same parts from the original, fans etc. Replaced the glass bed with magnetic PEI. POM nuts on the Z axis (amazon). Quiet mainboard 4.2.2, not cheap and hard to find these days, I think the 4.2.7 board works with a bit of fiddling. 120mm fan on the power supply, had to print a new base. WobbleX on the Z axis to reduce banding. TPU feet extensions to compensate for the 120mm fan mod. Corner bracing, that 2020 frame is a bit wobbly…Sonic pad and camera. Next to fit are linear rails on X and Y axis. Total cost probably more than a K1C or a Bambu or a Qidi XMax3 or an Ender CRM4, but that’s a bedslinger, a big bedslinger. I could go full on CoreXY if I want to spend yet more on it…I probably will

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What is the difference between NG and NG REVO? couldn’t find anything on the web.

This is what I found for the silent mainboard. I’m not an expert in electronics. Hopefully there is some tutorials on youtube on how to install it. If this is what you recommend.

Its a straight replacement. Unplug one at a time and plug back in, it will have glue gun gunk on the original that you have to peal off. There is a youtube vid if needed. I have put the old mainboard back on once for diagnostics, jeepers it is really loud, was quickly removed. Honestly don’t know the difference with the Revo I think it’s a ceramic hotend, I’ve stuck with the MK8 nozzles, might try it if it uses volcano nozzles.

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Hi I have not been able to use my Ender 5 Plus for about 12 months because of having the same problem, I will try your suggestion on my machine, if it works it still tells me I have a problem with the temp sensor but at least it points me in the right direction. Alan

The thermistor cable on the 5 plus is extra long so you might have to make an extension or find the longer thermistor. I bought a new loom from Aliexpress for about £15 (new loom didn’t have Bltouch cable so had to do some butchering of cables)

it is a funky oddball nozzle. Benefit? Dunno. I shall stick with MK8 or machine something to make it work with volcano.

Thank you for your suggestion. I have changed it several times, have changed entire hotend twice, changed motherboard, changed power supply and still the nozzle clogs within 10 minutes of starting print. Machine has worked for about 4 years without any serious issues then all of a sudden started clogging up the nozzle and has not worked for about 12 months. Not sure where else to look. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi Alan. I think it’s the time to start printing new projects again.
After many headaches with this issue, it is now fixed. There is no more ticking or jammed filament. I hope it will work for you, too.
Watch this short video. Let me know if you are still having problems.

Thank you for your suggestion Amir. I sometimes hear the clicking sound from the Stepper motor but it always after the plastic in the nozzle has solidified and it cannot push the liquid plastic through the nozzle.

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Glad mine isn’t that noisy anymore Amir.

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Yes, Gary, I know it should be much quieter than mine.

I followed your suggestion and bought a Microswiss NG and a quiet board for the same reason.

However, while replacing it with the new one, the white wire got stuck in the hot end and, once pulled, was cut in half (see below image). Is it a big mess, or is it still fixable?
