Prints sliding down the X-axis

Hello there, I just bought a brand new ender v3 ke and it starts pretty normal then slides down the x-axis pretty badly until the nozzle ends up all the way on the egde making strange motions. Calibration and setup is going through without any issues though. What’s causing this?

I’d start by checking the x-axis belt tension.

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Thank you so much, that solved it. It’s kinda strange that both the y-axis belt and x-axis belt needed a lot of tightening and it’s no where mentioned in the installation guide.

edit: corrected it from z to y axis.

X and Y belts have tensioners, the Z belt doesn’t have a tensioner, it just drives the leadscrews and is of fixed length. The Y belt gets loose quite easily on my machines, have to check them regularly.

Thank you for the tip once again. and yes I’m a total newbie, I mixed up the names of the axes :grimacing:

keep a spare Y axis belt, there are Creality branded ones on Amazon that are the right length. I say this as I had a spaghetti incident wherein the bits of filament got jammed between the belt and tensioner wheel resulting in a broken belt. The V3SE and V3KE are the only printers that I have that this could happen to, I keep a spare for each just in case. That is my recommended must have spare after nozzles and silicone heatsocks