I have installed Creality Nebula Smart Kit to my Ender 3 V3 SE.
Before Nebula Kit printing was OK.
Now when i make calibration or print there is problem with Z axle.
Nozzle goes to deep in bed and even damaged the plate when cleaning the nozzle.
When i adjust z-offset for better printing, the first layer is printerd not to well but the second layer and the next ones goes even worst.
Nozzle is starting to grind the layers, like there is a calibration problem.
I reset the Nebula panel to default, try to install firmware NEBULA_ota_img_V1.1.0.27, NEBULA_ota_img_V1.1.0.26 and Ender3V3SE_firmware.bin but that didn’t help.
I try to decreas max speed and max acceleration in CrealityPrint printer profile but that didin’t help.
I don’t have any other idea what to do, could any boddy help?
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Are you using Creality print 5.1 by any chance? Me V3SE does that, but it is on a Sonic Pad, either way both on Klipper. My fix was to go back to the older 4.3.8, weirdly 4.3.9 beta also does the scaping nozzle. I would Z adjusting for every layer and it would still scrape. Something fundamentally wrong with V3SE+Klipper+Cp5.1 for me.
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Yes, I use CrealityPrint 5.1 witch Nebula pad.
Previously with old panel I used Cura3D to generate gcode.
What else strange with Nebula pad is that the gcode generated in Cura3D 5.8 and sent to Nebula to print or given on USB, rearranges the layers in the X or Y axes, while in the Z axis it is ok. It’s realy odd.
I will try older version of CrealityPrint and return with info.
So I ran tests on simple prints in Creality Print v4.3.8 and v4.3.9
Prints cut and send for printing are performed correctly in v4. 3.8 with Nebula Pad installed.
On version 4.3.9 the print is bad, something like in 5.x
Now my Ender-3 V3 SE is in configuration:
Nebula Pad - NEBULA_ota_img_V1.1.0.26.img
Motherboard - Ender3V3SE_firmware; Adaptive Ender-3 V3 SE
Creality Print v4.3.8 - with corected filament temp settings to 220/60
So it looks like the newer versions of Creality Print are buggy.
I will make a more advanced print and see what comes out of it.
Bonfireman thanks for the advice.
Thanks for confirming that I am not going mad and it isn’t my setup at fault.
Have you succeeded fixing your problem with the V3 SE and the Nebula kit? If so, what did you do to fix it; I have the exact same problem.
Hi, I do not fix the problem only walk around a bit 
I’m using Creality Print v.4.3.8, and Creality support hasn’t done anything about the problem yet.
It’s really annoying me.
Hi. I have the same Problem with my Ender 3 V3 SE. When i try to print something wirh Nebula V1.1.0.27 sliced with Creality Print 5.x i have Layershift in Y and Z Axis.
First try with Creality Print 4.3.8 locks better.
I write with Creality Support since 1 month without a solution for this Problem.
I will test now with older Nebula Firmware and Creality Print 4.3.8 but this could not be the Solution.
J’ai également ce problème de qualité avec mon Ender 3 V3 SE + Nebula PAD + Creality Print 5.
En utilisant Orcaslicer j’ai une amélioration.
Pour de meilleurs résultats, je suis obligé de baisser la vitesse dans Orcaslicer. Du coup le Nebula PAD / Klipper ne m’apporte rien de plus que mon ancienne solution Octoprint/Ender 3 V3 SE Marlin.
I also have this quality problem with my Ender 3 V3 SE + Nebula PAD + Creality Print 5.
Using Orcaslicer I have an improvement.
For better results, I have to lower the speed in Orcaslicer. So the Nebula PAD / Klipper does not bring me anything more than my old Octoprint / Ender 3 V3 SE Marlin solution.