Rooted my v3ke

Finally had the time to root my V3KE and get the Fluidd interface on the webUI so it looks like all my other printers but I went one step further and replaced the touch screen interface with GuppyUI, this is interesting, far more control than I have on any other printer. Will report back when I get allowed time to play…had to clean the garden of leaves and go to the tip.


Hello Bonfireman,

Where does Guppy ui fit in to the picture ?
I have not heard about it till now (apart from a type of fish).

What sort of extra control does it give you.

Will be interested to hear how you progress.

Happy gardening. :smiling_face:

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Thusfar I can see that I can do more calibrations that I never thought of, perhaps superfluous but i have had to print a new screen mounting as the screen is now horizontally mounted. Pics will follow once I have done my gardening duties…thumbprint much.

Sorry Rad i didn’t explain a little better, GuppyUI replaces the touchscreen UI that comes with the printer, it won’t affect you and the sonic pad. I have rooted that too but still struggling to get 2 camera to work with it.

Hello Bonfireman,

Thank you for the reply. I find all things related to printers here interesting; constantly learning things.

As with the very long ongoing thread regards “roll your own” (Mikey,Mike.Mik…and others)

Having to change orientation of the screen is an interesting one.

Have fun, cheers.

The new firmware thread is very interesting and when I seperate the V3SE and Ender 5plus for sale I will be looking at it.

So, are you selling one, or, both ? Making room for a new friend ?
But will ‘er indoors’ notice … shtoom, wink wink.

On a slightly different note; the Qidi Q1 Pro that you use and recently mentioned better and cheaper than a similar Bambu … what filaments have you found that it (that model) handles without and special treatment ?

Asking for a friend ( wink wink, say no more)

ASA needs a good gluestick, it doesn’t like to stick to PEI. PP needs a PP surface to stick to, brown packing tape is PP so that is good, Reprapper filament comes with sheets of PP build film to stick to. Still can’t print PEEK.

I think the V3SE and 5 plus will go as a pair seeing as they are set up on the sonic pad. Thinking of an Ender 5 max or maybe a Qidi XMax3, not the Plus4. Still want the Fysetc Venture XL but that is just a little bit like a painful experience if it doesn’t work out of the box.

I am definitely going to keep an eye on your updates and pics on this because of the recent Bambu BS…not that I think Creality will change things but I am sick of the cloud connect issues and the app specifically. But also I really don’t like using mfg’s clouds if I can avoid it and prefer my own network solitude.

I have now completed about successful 150 different prints and about 20 fails too - half my fault, medium and small, over the last 4 months of owning the KE and it is by far the best printed I’ve owned, with only a few problems that I’ve worked thru so I’m thinking of taking things to the next level.

With that said, does the root allow any other software to access the camera on the KE so that I can monitor on my PC like the Creality PC software does? Also, do you know if there is any app that will also do the same after a root?

I am OK with adding hardware in the chain if needed, but haven’t messed with that stuff in years so I might have to catch up on the new stuff if that’s a needed interface.

Feel free to just point me to any link(s)/sources with good info instead of doing a full reply…hate to rehash things if others have covered it.


You can add non creality USB cameras, all the octoprint stuff, obico, mainsaill in addition to Fluidd. The GuppyUI is mind blowing in the amount of extra things you can do from the touchscreen.

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I went ahead and the mainsail/klipper and set it up on Orca and prints great. However I don’t have another camera so I am using v5.14 of Creality to view on PC thier camera (newer version doesn’t let the camera view enlarge) and can still use the app but the good thing is they no longer get to monitor or record what is being sent to the printer or imaging.

I like the Guppy! I will tackle that another day now that my back meds are kicking in and kinda hard to focus. LOL

As always, thanks!!!

I always pay attention to Mr. Rossmans posts on t hings like this!!

I basically used this script

Done! Didn’t take long at all. I’m glad it had the helper…it was nice that it had the Info select too so I could see what was already installed and it won’t let you install over something either. Very Cool. Thx.

I printed the new gantry support, but I have support trusses here

Liking Guppy but there are so many options that I would like a Lite version. I just need to have control over the flowrate, speed and retraction. Other stuff I can do from Fluidd on a PC.

I think I agree after just a couple minutes on it. Holy Cow does it have a lot that I can probably mess up. LOL On an aside, I also figured out that I can now simply use a webpage - My address:80 and get access to my Nebula camera on my phone instead of using their app.

As soon as I knew I could get rid of the Creality Print webpage and default to Fluidd I was sold.

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Fluidd or Mainsail whats your favourite? Gnome v KDE really.

I could do a LOT of damage with all those extra control icons available.

Are you sure I can’t have it on my printer :sob: