Serious problems with my CFS

Hi, I‘m having trouble with my CFS. Initially everything worked OK but now I‘m having consistent trouble with my CFS. The CFS regularly gets stuck in combination with the message that the filament might be tangled. In such case the only thing I can do is to switch off the K2 Plus and then to switch it on again, only then I’m able to retract the filament. Having a look afterwards at the retracted filament it always shows the same strange picture of damage (see attached image). The damaged part is not at the beginning of the filament but roughly 2 meters from the beginning. That is more or less exactly the lenghts between the extruder and the 4-way hub at the bottom of the CFS, so I assume there is the source od the problem. The image is showing the position only where I have cut the filament. By the way, so far I‘m using Creality HyperPLA only, nothing else. I already have opened and cleaned the „4-way filament hub“ on the bottom of the CFS several times and it seems that afterwards the CFS starts working again but a bit later the problem starts to happen again. Meanwhile I‘m really desperated and have no clue anymore what to do. And I slowly start to regret having bought that printer… Spending more time for fixing things than being able to print cannot be the right approach, honestly…


Hi, has anybody comparable problems with the CFS and maybe an idea how to solve it? Basically the CFS is unusable for me with that worse behaviour!


I have the same problem with 2 of my CFS units. I tried everything to get them to work but have had no success. I have multiple K2’s also and tried on different printers, doesn’t work on any of them, so definitely the CFS. All my other CFS work flawlessly. The problem seems to be with the CFS not pausing to allow the extruder to start and begin pulling the filament. It keeps pushing and grinds the notch in the filament. You probably hear squeaking noises in the CFS when the filament reaches the extruder. All my other CFS stop pushing when the filament reaches the extruder and then the extruder takes over and pulls the filament, then the CFS feeds more as needed. I have sent an email to support to try to get them replaced.

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That basically seems to go in the same direction of my experiences. I‘m wondering whether this is a hardware or a firmware issue (or even both)?. I’ve currently made an interesting observation and I’m acting as follows. Sounds weird on the one side and isn‘t comfortable at all but seems to work for me, at least for the moment. What I‘m doing is to simply switch off the K2 Plus after having finished a print job. Some minutes later I switch the K2 Plus on again and can then start the next print job without issues. That worked for some days now. No idea whether this remains to be the case or not. But it leads me to the current assumption that it might primarily be a firmware issue?

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I would think if its firmware it would happen to all CFS devices, to me it seems like a defect in some devices.

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This exact same thing is happening to me - waited a few weeks for the CFS to arrive and it does this immediately!

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I’m not sure this might help but I saw a Youtuber lately who fixed a problem which seems to have a similar effect like yours.

Maybe you wanna check this and see for yourself whether it might be a solution or not.

Hi, Thanks for the hint. I‘ve found that video before and gave it a try shortening the spring by 1 segment but the problem persists. Not sure whether it would help to shorten the spring by another segment but I won’t risk too much ending in a complete mess …

I have had the same issue with mine and we just got it a few weeks ago