Sonic pad on Ender 3 V3 se

So, i just configured my sonic pad on my E3 V3 SE, there was no sonic pad profile on creality print for it, updated it to the latest version which was released on the 29th, there were a few printers added to it, but not the v3 se… which had sonic pad support since October! How does this make any sense? what prifile am i supposed to use? what print speeds? what acceleration speeds? also, no mount STL on the USB drive for the SE either…

When using the SE in conjunction with the Sonic Pad usually all configuration changes such as accelerations are made on the Sonic Pad and not within the Slicer.

Generally the only adjustments that should be needed within the slicer relate to the print quality such as speed and layer heights etc. Finding the correct speeds is usually a case of trial and error as not all filaments print the same way so you will have to tune your settings to suit your materials.

There should usually be a profile for you to select on the Sonic Pad to suit your printer configuration.

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I got my sonic pad a couple days ago but hadn’t realized I needed the serial cable for the S3 V2, it will be here tomorrow.

Were you able to find a sensor mount?

I found a sensor mount:-

I am printing it now, will need a couple of longer M3 screws to mount it.

Printed fine used some M3x6 sok cap screws to fit the bracket, self tappers to fit the accelerometer. That is the x sorted out. For the y I used some double sided to hold the accelerometer to the middle of the bed. Lets see if a benchy comes out any different.