I found updates for the Nebula pad, to included printer firmware updates. I was able to update the nebula pad, but I don’t think the printer firmware flashed. Steps I took to update printer firmware:
- Downloaded and extracted files
- Formatted sdcard
- copied/pasted firmware file to sdcard
- With printer off, inserted sdcard and turned on machine
*Now, I remember when I initially installed the Nebula kit and updated the printer firmware taking the same steps, but it took the Nebula several moments to boot. But in this case, the Nebula pad booted right away. To me, this indicates the firmware didn’t install.
I repeated the steps, but instead placed the files on the usb stick and inserted it in to the Nebula pad, but still no signs of updating.
Any ideas as to how I can update the printer firmware?
Is there a way I can check the printer firmware version?
When I look at the Device info on the cloud, it shows the Nebula firmware version (v1.1.0.26), but not the printer firmware.
I had to edit this as it seems people were more focused on the issue that had led me to the updates, instead of my actual concern which is updating my printer firmware.
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I had the same issues with my prints with CP 5.1. The issue I believe is the slicer. The nebula pad should have its own profile but it’s not available yet. The older Creality print has a Ender 3 v3 se nebula pad profile that works. Hope that helps.
I have never had a satisfactory print with my V3SE and the sonic pad on any other version of Creality Print 4.8.3, any newer version and it would crunch the nozzle into the print, as if it wasn’t moving the Z axis. On 4.8.3 it was absolutely perfect, I could even trust someone else to print on that machine.
Not the point but thanks… Going to edit OP…
Doesn’t the nebula pad create it’s own firmware for the printer? It does with my sonic pad. I still say the slicer version makes a difference to the nozzle crunching the print.
there is a separate zip with the printer firmware in it as well
Download Product Firmware
If the answer hasn’t been found, you need to load the firmware onto the SD card for the printer, turn off the printer. and then unplug the nebula pad. Once unplugged, put the SD card into the printer and turn it on. You’ll hear a few clicks and then you’re good. Turn the printer back off, and plug the nebula pad back into the printer. Hope that helps.
Hello Bonfireman,
Is the Creality Print version 4.8.3 the best one when using the Sonic pad as I have one arriving for my V3SE in a few days and I currently have version 5.1.xxxx
Thank you.
Thusfar my V3SE on a Sonic Pad prints perfectly with 4.3.8. If I use newer versions it prints terribly, overextrusion, layer shifts, not useable for me, I have tried all the later versions and it doesn’t work for me YMMV. Don’t get me wrong I love my V3SE, use it daily and I print lots of TPU with it. You can try it with 5.xxx but you can run both on one machine for testing and they are mutually exclusive.
Hello Bonfireman,
Thanks for the reply and I apologize to Thomas_R for hijacking his thread.
As for version 4.3.8, is that Creality Print or Creality Slicer ? I could only find Creality Slicer 4.8.2
Hello Thomas_R,
Would you prefer me to create a new thread ?
Creality print, Slicer is way out of date. I have no idea about creating a new thread, could be interesting as it might tie up with my issue of 2 cameras on a Sonic pad not working. A question for Optimus perhaps.
Since making this thread, I have seen 2 firmware version get removed from the firmware download page. So I guess it’s good that I couldn’t get the printer to update.
I also just noticed v4.3.8.X has been removed from the software page.
Something I just learned about with this software and all. When updating to v5.1.X, my printer would print at ludicrous speed, the nozzle would scrape across the infill, and most prints would fail.
But, as per usual, creality doesn’t provide very clear instructions. When you update, you have to factory reset the printer as well. After you go thru the initial setup, turn the printer off and back on.
There are a lot of issues with the creality brand that I have experienced in the last 9 months that has made me really question this brand. I’ve had this printer less than a year. It was only released in July 2023, but already feels like creality has dropped support on it.
I’ve contacted creality support about software issues, only to be told to wait for an update because the current version does not support your printer. Not to mention the lack of support in linux.
Sorry, there’s my rant. Best of luck to everyone, and hijack away!
I have 4.3.8 as a file if you want, DM me your email address.