V3 KE - auto leveling is off

Brand new V3 KE. Auto leveling calibration documents a 0.9mm slant from front (highest) to rear (lowest), with a slight central concavity. Table listed below. However, when printing after auto-leveling, the front right corner is low, leading to poor adhesion there. It’s as if it is over-correcting for the front right corner.

Also, today auto-leveling failed with the error:
Unknown exception
and a blinking red CR Touch. Cold reboot fixed the problem. However, the CR Touch is measuring correctly (when it’s working) because I confirmed the general bed shape with a paper test.

Shimming the bed won’t help because the software is overshooting the correction on the front right.

The printer is otherwise working find when using the center of the plate. Benchy printed out of box without any optimization looks great.

I’m a long-time 3D printer. Frame is squared to bed in all axes (gantry shims used) using digital level. X-axis is level. All plugs and screws checked. Belt tension is good. Printer sits on a leveled board.
