V3 SE z offset problems

Sooo i got this problem with big prints only, small medium are just fine.
Z offset goes way up during first layers of the print and must be manualy looked after all the time during print.
For eg. if i start printing after auto z and bed calibration the initial line for cleaning the nozzle draws perfect, but goes few steps up when starting first layer of the print then fillament doesnt even touch the bed. If i set z offset for filament to reach bed properly adventualy it starts scraping the nozzle over previous layers.

I calibrated my e steps,it pushes out exacly 10cm
Bed is perfectly leveled
It happens only with prints that covers smth like 50% or more of a bed size

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Hi @Andyjas welcome to the forums.

I would recommend seeing if there is an update for the printer that you can apply. This may fix the issues you are having.

The firmware should be available from here…

Ender-3 V3 SE Software & Firmware Download

Thanks for the reply.
Iam already using latest firmware 1.0.6

Glad to hear you are using the latest version. At this point I would recommend reaching out to the support team to see what they can recommend. It definitely sounds like a really strange issue that hopefully they may have info on.

You can contact support via email but the fastest way to get a response will be via the live chat or facebook group.

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Any solution to this. Facing same problem with newly bought Ender 3 V3 SE. Small prints print fine. Z-axis shifts up automatically on larger prints.

I would recommend checking to see if there is a firmware update available for your printer to see if that resolves the issue. If you are on the latest firmware and still experiencing issues then please reach out to support so that they can look in to this for you.

Yeah, ive fixed it by just loosening 2 screws on each rod. Tighten them fully then do a 360° turn back.
I also checked if all other screws are fully tightened. Oh, also make sure x axis belt is fairly tight.
Hope that helps

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Thank you very much. I’ll try to do that. If possible please post the pictures of screws I should try tightening and loosing one turn. We have just bought this, and I don’t want to mess things up.

Thank you!

j’ai eu le même problème !!!

vérifier le serrage des vis toutes les vis
vérifier le bon serrage au niveau du galet de la tête d’impression
refaire le calibrage de l’axe Z ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h487sTy0JIk )
faire un auto leveling et réglé manuellement l’axe z avec une feuille de papier.
tout cela a contribuer pour enlever plein de petit problèmes sur mon imprimante 3se.

je suis avec orcaslicer qui est plus compliquer mais a permis de faire tout les tests pour pouvoir calibre mon imprimante au mieux du filament que j’utilise j’encourage a faire tout les test

voila j’espère que cela vous sortira des problèmes courant.
bien a vous