Why does my prints keep failing half way through

I have a Ender 3 v3 ke and my prints keep failing half way through and strings of filament go every where. The only thing it can print successfully is a benchy boat. If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated

Sounds like it is losing adhesion to the bed and creating “spaghetti”. Could be the bed needs cleaning properly, could be the bed is a little cold, could be that the print might need a brim, could be your z-offset needs to be tweaked to be closer to the bed, could be that a gluestick might help, What material and temps? For PLA I use 200-210°C for the nozzle and 50-55°C for the bed, I try to stay below 60 as the is the glass transition temperature of PLA and will remain soft/pliable giving elephants foot and other problems. A pic of the first layer will give a clue.

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Knowing exactly what you’re trying to print would help a bunch.

I’ve had very good results with PLA using 50C for the bed and 220C for the nozzle. For PETG I’m using 60C for the bed and 230C for the nozzle. Most of my PLA is Creality Hyper PLA, I’ve been happy with the results.

Try the textured build plate, I’ve taken to using that most of the time if I don’t mind the bottom of the model having a texture finish. I find that plate rarely needs any glue to print PLA. My “glue”, when required, is cheap Suave Max Hold hairspray that I get on Amazon, it cleans off nicely with isopropyl alcohol when I’m done. The smooth plate does need glue for most things.

Thanks for the glue recommend. Always looking for something that washes off easily. Going to test that out when I print PETG. Scented or Unscented…? :smiley:

I use the unscented, no reason to add unnecessary chemicals to the mix. So far it’s worked very well, so I can’t complain. I like it a lot better than the messy glue they ship with the Creality printers, it’s quick and easy to apply.

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