Cannot print any models downloaded outside Creality official website

Please help!!!

Got the v3 KE, I can print off all models downloaded from Creality official website. However, i cannot print any models downloaded outside official site such as Printables and Cults3D.

I tried to sliced by Creality and Cura to gcodes, uploaded to Cloud and USB but does not work at all. I also tried to reset the config based on V3 SE. It said unknown error right after calibration.

I’m not familiar with Printables and Cults3D but I can say that I just received my V3 KE about a week ago and I’ve made prints from Thingiverse without issues. Since I’m new to 3D printing I can only guess that maybe it’s a file type issue?

I’m sure some more experienced users will guide you in the right direction.

Hello @rileyleung :wave:

Welcome to the Official Creality forum Creality

You might already know this but just covering the basics here…

I think what @Lensman said could be one of the problems. When you download those files they are in .zip format most of the time. You have to “Unzip” them with a program.

The .stl file is what the slicer converts to gcode.
Look at the downloaded file to see what the extension is…

Hi @jimandyen

I have unzip them to STL and sliced them to gcode files. I can also found and select them on the printer screen. Just after the calibration, they failed.

Are you able to use Creality Print software on a PC and see if that works…

Might be easier…

Thanks @Lensman

I am new to 3D printing as well. So far i enjoy printing but just limited on the models that i found on Creality app. Let me try Thingiverse as well. Really hope i can get this problem solved

Yeah @jimandyen, i use Creality printing software as well. Same thing

Try slicing it in the Creality Print software as there seems to be some connection issue with your Creality Cloud connection…

I sliced the file by Creality Print software. Somebody told me to reset the config of the printer, i did that as well but same unknown error issue

Since you can print models from the Creality website I think the printer is fine.

Yup just cannot figure out why i cannot print the files outside Creality website. I tries both Cloud and USB already

Is this what you are doing…?

Download file to USB stick
Unzip file to stl format.
Open the stl file in Creality Print.
Slice in Creality Print :arrow_heading_down:

Yeah i downloaded zip, unzipped, open the STL in Creality Print and sliced to Gcode

It said “printing file coordinate exception”

I am facing another problem. As i said i was able to print the files which i downloaded on Creality website and printed by uploading to the Cloud. Yesterday i tried to print a model which physically 100% completed, but on the Cloud it frozen at 42%. I cannot refresh and stop the printing in order to print new models :frowning:

Yesterday (1/7/2024) the Creality Cloud system was having some network difficulties so maybe that could have caused your problems…??

I don’t use the cloud feature however have you tried just turning off the unit and waiting 30-60 sec?

Are you sure that you have set up your slicing program(s) to the correct printer?

Enter the IP address of your printer into a web browser, this should bring up the webpage of the printer. Drag and drop the gcode into the file list box, right click the file and print. Does that work? I get stl files from Thingiverse all the time as well as creating my own on CAD. Creatlity Print to import the stl and export the gcode to a file and drag and drop in the browser. Alternatively you could send it to LAN if Creality Print connects to the device.

edit I don’t use the cloud.

I have a similar issue in that the components from any STL file i open show up all in black on the Creality workspace. Even the simplest (a plain rectangle shape). When I slice, the part turns grey and white, and then disappears excepts for a few random white dots. I have verified this with parts from Thingaverse, Yeggi and TinkerCad. I had just orered a new Creality printer, and then downloaded the Creality Print software from the web to get some experience before it arrives in a few days. Looks like I will probably be returning the printer when it comes in, as I can’t print the objects I developed on TinkerCad. These files all open and slice fine in PrusaSlicer and Ultimaker Cura.

Seems like maybe the file was corrupted when you downloaded it since the other slicers work for you. I’ve had that happen to other software and a complete uninstall and reinstall solved the issue. Make sure nothing is left in the registry then reinstall.

The KE is a very nice printer once you familiarize yourself with it and also tame the settings. I wouldn’t send it back until you confirm you can’t resolve your software issue.

Right out of the box it printed amazing for me and I’m using Creality Print exclusively with no issues and I’ve only had it since December.