K2 First Layer ABS

First I want to say I have looked through posts regarding first layer issues to try and avoid reposting the same stuff.

What I will say is I’ve had some real issues getting a good first layer. Currently the issue is with Polylite ABS. Occasionally a print will work, but it seems to be a matter of luck if some type of extruder error occurs during the first layer. Layers after that are fine. Currently, I’m trying to use the Flow Rate calibration tool within CP 6 and can’t get past the first test without an error. Below are things I’ve done so far.

  • Level the bed with foil, .32 variance in bed
    -Used @frankjoke 's excellent filament calibration tutorial to get at least close
    -Used the temperature calibration tower (265 seemed best)
    -Max volume flow calibration (15mms^3)
    -Tried z-offset of 0.0 and 0.050. Haven’t gotten a chance to go to 0.010 yet.

The result has always been spikey first layers that result in CM2784, abnormal resistance in z direction, and most recently CM2788.

Most recent failed first layer resulting in CM2788

Any thoughts on dialing in further so I can actually complete a Pressure Advance calibration, and if I dare dream, an actual print?

PS: I’ve had this issue too with thoroughly dried PETG, but given it’s difficulty and tendency to stick to nozzles, I figured I should worry about a material like ABS before trying to make PETG work,

Does this thread throw any light on your problem?

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Hm, it gives me some other options to try. I discovered that to clear any of those error codes and to get the extruder motor to attempt working again I need to restart the machine. I think my process is going to be trying to do a pressure advance test with a 0.010 z-offset, then trying a PA test with a generic ABS profile, after that I might try CP5, then CP5 and older firmware. And all the variations of above…

I also have some nozzle flushing filament coming in incase there is some resistance in the nozzle and hotsection.

Kinda funny how the errors not clearing without having to manually restart the machine has become something I’ve acclimated to accept.

P.S. Just realized that I run a Bento Box in my printer for high VOC filaments and that may cause currents affecting the first layer. I should probably try leaving that off for the first few layers.

Yes turn it off or right the way down. Good luck with the rest. I’ve run Creality Hyper ABS was almost like printing PLA.

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Well the filament profile I was creating was for polylite ABS, but figured it didn’t matter because I made a print in Creality Hyper ABS and it also had a failure with error messages before creating a pretty terrible first layer that I think just barely avoided cause a nozzle blockage error.

Try wash build plate thoroughly…i had same problems till i washed build plate in soap and water i now do that every 5 prints or so and prints mint

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Def part of my regular routine. Wash and rinse thoroughly, degrease with alcohol, use bed adhesion stick.

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